Hike Without Kids

So back in Feburary I took a day of annual leave from work.

The kids still went to school however. This was my hike without kids.


I say hike, but it wasn't so much of a hike at all. My wife and I planned to go for a hike but after doing the school run, trying to wrap up a few odds-and-ends and factoring in the travel time required to get back for school pickup we only had the short bit of time. Unfortunately "Short walk and coffee break without kids" just doesn't have the same ring to it so here we are.

We decided to head to Macedon. We parked at Days picnic ground and walked the short distance to Sanatorum Lake.

Frankly there's not much more to it than that.





After walking a little over a kilometer we arrived at the lake itself. We stopped, to appreciate the environment, then started up my gas stove to make to make tea and coffee (yes, that's coffee in a teabag).



It may not have been the hike I was hoping for. But it was an outing that was good for the soul. While my objective is to get outdoors as frequently as possible with the kids I have to admit there's something perfect about having a cup of coffee outdoors without anyone making noise to kill the moment.

So: get outdoors. Drop the kids off at school or at kinder and just take amoment for yourself. I'm glad I did and I'm sure you will be too.
