hike with kids

staying healthy & outdoors with kids in tow

The last time I reviewed a rugged phone, I promised HikeWithKids wasn't going to become a phone review site.

It isn't. This will be the last one for a long time.

So I got rugged phones for my kids and now I want to explain what the hell I was thinking.

But why?

It started as a discussion...

Full disclosure : HikeWithKids isn't going to turn into a phone review site. I realise with this being my second post regarding rugged phones (first one here) in a short time, it may appear to be the case. A little more disclosure : I paid for this phone, myself with my money. This isn't a sponsor...

Back in 2018 I purchased a cheap rugged phone. It was something of an impulse buy - I spent a grand total of $209.45AUD with GearBest and waited the obligatory month for it to turn up.

Two years later it has been dropped countless times, it has been taken swimming (and used to take some great unde...